You can't back up game installs without imaging the whole drive ( and I'm not sure that would even work ).I have had corrupt installations of XBOX games which have needed the WHOLE DRIVE formatting to use again.This process makes everything else harder than it needs to be. I have already GIVEN you the money for access.

Punishing legit users with these additional steps ( which are NOT an issue if you pirate it ) is ridiculous. This issue with pre-loads and encrypting the folders is a joke. I'm getting sick of XBGP for PC and the way it handles files. Make sure to decrypt the game files before you launch a preloaded game for the first time. Such issues should not have be investigated by the end user. Once then, start the game, it should work. Once done, wait a bit as the xbox app moves the game from the encrypted folder to an decrypted one. Then make sure to enable advanced management features. If you preloaded the game, go to the sniper elite 5 main page, click the 3 horizontal dots and click manage games. If you preloaded the game, the game remains encrypted, preventing the game from initiating the EAC installer at startup as it doesn't have the rights. If you preload a game from pc game pass, the games are encrypted in windows app folders like they used to be, preventing a lot of restrictions to read and write, which can cause issues when games require prerequisites at launch case in point the Easy Anti-cheat for Sniper Elite 5. Requesting is fine, but please be polite and don't beg. #8 No Selling or Trading - There are other better places for this and having these posts here can lead to unintended consequences. #7 Giveaways - To giveaway a code, hide a letter or number to prevent bots claiming the code. #6 No Rants - Please refrain from posting rants (these are not productive) or accusations of scams (these are unproven). Instructional videos of your own are allowed. #5 Self Promotion -Feel free to share any videos, pictures, website links in individual posts, but please don't self-promote without asking the mods first. #4 Deals & Conversions - Use the megathread to discuss these. Tech support posts will be removed during the week If and only if your question hasn't been answered, post your question on WEEKENDS only. #3 FAQ & Tech Support - Please look in the FAQ (top bar on desktop, to right on mobile) or search the sub before your post. #2 Be Civil - Discussions are perfectly fine, just follow the reddiquette.

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