So, d o es t hat mean that microservices should be used instead of the traditional monolith in all cases? Not necessarily.

So, while a monolith is just a normal application developed with traditional means, the microservice architecture approach would be to break down such an application into its separate component units ( or just services), so that each unit would fulfill the following criteria: This is the way enterprise applications were usually developed, focusing on the concept of tiers (UI, middleware-services, persistence, data) and the segregation of concerns across these tiers. If you want to introduce a new component or update an existing one, the entire monolith must be updated at once. Monolithic applications, or monoliths, are usually big enterprise applications structured into a single deployable package. So, what’s the advantage of a microservice architecture, then? Microservices are better understood when compared with their traditional counterparts: monolithic applications. Sounds familiar? Yes, this is something that many developers have been doing since a long time ago! Encapsulation, cohesion and a good understanding of service-oriented architectures have helped them apply this “divide and conquer” strategy to software architecture for many years and will do so in the future as well.

The main purpose of a microservice architecture is to break down an application into smaller standalone components that are easier to handle, deploy, scale and maintain in the long term.

With this article, our intention is to illustrate that microservices are a valid option for Java /Jakarta EE developers and how Payara Micro is a robust platform to reach that goal. With the advent of DevOps and the boom of container technologies and deployment automation tools, microservices are changing the way developers structure their applications. Nowadays, the concept of microservices is more than a simple novelty.